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  • This Month in Vocational Lessons

    The Center for Living and Learning's vocational trainees are learning about self-advocacy in their lessons and how communicating their needs helps them thrive in the workplace and reach greater independence. They are studying the three key elements of self-advocacy, which include understanding your needs, knowing what kind of support might help, and communicating those needs to others. During mental health lessons, the trainees have been learning about mental illness to better understand their individual diagnosis. We have discussed symptoms, treatment plans and practiced skills to respond to each of their specific needs. Through group discussions, trainees have developed a safe space to share their personal experiences, gained validation from their peers, and learned from others with similar experiences. In cooking class, the trainees are making delicious cookies with baking mixes they prepared for the Center's recent market . In art class, they are painting with watercolors, utilizing blending techniques to create a range of art from abstracts to geometric shapes. In the reading group, we've continued our Twilight Zone theme. We've read several short stories that were the basis for Twilight Zone episodes, including the popular "Time Enough at Last." This story explores the distinction between solitude and loneliness as well as the dangers of reliance upon technology. Although these stories were written over 50 years ago, their themes continue to be relevant for modern culture.  Receive updates from the Center for Living and Learning delivered directly to your email inbox each month by signing up   here .  The   Center for Living and Learning  is a private non-profit Residential Treatment Facility housing adults who experience severe and persistent mental illnesses. We provide 24-hour residential care  and job training  in a therapeutic environment with emphasis on the highest level of functioning and independent living .  Learn more  here .

  • News From the Garden

    Happy February! The warmer temps have allowed us to enjoy the outdoors and work in the greenhouse more consistently. Residents are learning a new sowing technique called "Winter Sowing" this month to start some of our spring seeds. We recycle gallon sized water or milk jugs by removing the caps, drilling holes in the bottoms for drainage, cutting around the middle of the jugs leaving just a hinge, and adding a high quality potting soil to the bottom half of the jug. Next we add water to dampen the soil and plant seeds into the soil. We then seal the jugs with duct tape, write the start date and type of seed on the outside of the jug and it sits outside until planting time in the Spring. Essentially, the jug makes a small greenhouse and removing the cap allows rain to water the seeds while it sits outside. When it's time to plant, we open the jugs, dig out the seedling and it can be directly planted. Check our social media later this month to see a demonstration. Another lesson topic the trainees are learning about is plant propagation. This simple method allows for cost savings and the duplication of favorite plants with minimal effort. This month we are working on propagating lavender, rosemary, thyme, and blackberries to add more of these favorites around our garden space. This year we also invited many guest speakers come teach us about specific topics related to the garden and CSA. We will be learning about how to make our own kombucha, how to grow micro greens, how to grow mushrooms, learning about beekeeping and pollinators, hearing from Meals 4 Health and Healing , The Giving Garden, Nashville Food Project , Society of Saint Andrew , TN Local Food , and The Flower Kitchen . Click on the links to learn more! CSA sign ups are starting to fill up for our 2025 growing season! Our goal this year is to have at least 10 members join us. Each week members of our CSA drop by the Center to pick up either a half or full share of everything we grow. We make sure to pack our shares full of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers as available. We also include recipes that use the ingredients in your box each week so you have some inspiration and guidance on what to do with your box. Not only is this one of the best ways to support our residents, but it's a cost effective way to eat organically and locally grown food that you have 100% assurance on knowing how and where it was grown. If you cannot join us this year but know someone who might be interested please help us spread the word. For more information or to sign up, please click here. As Spring approaches we will have lots of opportunities for volunteering. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities you can sign up here or if you would like more information please email Get updates from the Center for Living and Learning delivered directly to your email inbox by signing up here .  The Center for Living and Learning is a private non-profit Residential Treatment Facility housing adults who experience severe and persistent mental illnesses. We provide 24-hour residential care and job training in a therapeutic environment with emphasis on the highest level of functioning and independent living .  Learn more  here .

  • This Month in Vocational Lessons

    The Center for Living and Learning's trainees are learning about flexibility in their vocational lessons this month and the importance of being able to adapt to change. They've discussed how going with the flow, problem-solving, and considering a different perspective can help them be more successful in the workplace. They are reflecting on their own levels of cognitive flexibility, as well as strategies and goals they can implement to improve these. In mental health lessons, the trainees wrapped up their unit on anxiety management. Throughout the unit, trainees learned different skills to help them accept anxiety instead of avoiding uncomfortable feelings. We ended the unit by learning how our behaviors influence our emotions and motivation. They each identified behaviors that would help them participate in beneficial activities which they tend to avoid. In cooking class, the trainees are preparing ramen noodle cups with their own toppings, including garlic chili oil they made and carrots and radishes they pickled here at the Center. In art class, they are making ceramic bird houses, which are available for purchase in our online Christmas Market . During the reading group, trainees are revisiting Rod Sterling's classic series, The Twilight Zone . They are reading the script of Episode 22, "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street," which explores how humans respond to fear.

  • News From The Garden

    Happy New Year! We hope your new year is off to a wonderful start. Amidst the freezing temps we have finished planning our garden layout and have opened our CSA sign ups for our 2025 growing season. We would love to have you with us this year. Each week members of our CSA drop by the Center to pick up either a half or full share of everything we grow. We make sure to pack our shares full of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers as available. We also include recipes that use the ingredients in your box each week so you have some inspiration and guidance on what to do with your box. Not only is this one of the best ways to support our residents, but it's a cost effective way to eat organically and locally grown food that you have 100% assurance on knowing how and where it was grown. We will be giving customers 10% off for signing up with us throughout the month of January. If you cannot join us this year but know someone who might be interested please help us spread the word. For more information or to sign up, please click here. Our seed starting supplies have started arriving and on days warm enough to be in the greenhouse, we have started preparing our soil mix for seed starting and gathering all we will need to start planting the hundreds of plants we start from seed. Seeds we start this month include bachelor buttons, cosmos, and onions. We are growing all the staples and continue to add more and more flowers each year. This year we are sectioning off part of the garden for resident and Chef Connie use. We polled residents and Chef Connie on things they would love to snack on or use in meals and will plant an area that is fully dedicated to those items. We also hope to continue using produce we grow in larger ways for our daily snack and cooking classes. When it is too cold to work outside we have been expanded our garden knowledge through garden lessons. We have talked about biodiversity, organic vs. non organic food, soil conservation, environmental stewardship, and look forward to hosting some guest speakers that will be covering topics like, local food and agriculture systems in middle TN, composting, kombucha making, floral design, beekeeping and more. As Spring approaches we will have lots of opportunities for volunteering. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities of would like more information please email

  • This Month in Vocational Lessons

    The Center's vocational trainees will wrap up the year by setting their intentions for 2025. They also continue to learn about nonviolent communication concepts, such as listening accurately, conflict resolution, and disengaging. These concepts help them communicate effectively, reduce conflict, foster trust, and build relationships in the workplace and beyond. In mental health lessons the trainees have learned how to implement coping skills to manage stress during the holidays. They have also practiced ways to prevent stress and anxiety by incorporating concepts from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. We have specifically focused on how to foster a sense of belonging and learned how being part of a group of people, large or small, significantly reduces anxiety.   In cooking class, the trainees have been making delicious apple hand pies . In art class, they are making miniature ceramic houses, which are available for purchase in our online Christmas Market . In the reading group, we have embraced the season with holiday themed short stories. The trainees are reading "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote and "The Gift of the Magi" by O'Henry.  The Center's Christmas Market was a a big success earlier this month, and the trainees worked hard making products and hosting this event. Thank you to all who shopped it and supported our vocational trainees! Some market products are still available for online purchase with onsite pick-up, while supplies last, including hand poured candles, all natural skincare products, cooking mixes and more. All items are made with love and proceeds go directly back into CLL programming. Many of these items make great gifts for family and friends. Click here to see available inventory and shop.

  • How to Support Your Loved One

    Family support plays a critical role in the recovery of a loved one with a mental health condition.   When a loved one is dealing with a mental health condition, family support is essential for their recovery. NAMI provides effective ways to assist your loved one. Begin by learning about mental health and the specific disorder affecting your family member. The knowledge you gain will enhance your understanding and perspective. Familiarizing yourself with available treatments, therapies, and medications will also be advantageous for everyone involved in the recovery journey. Urge your loved one to stick to their treatment plan. Offer gentle and comforting support. Discuss their preferences and establish a simple system to ensure that their treatment continues as intended. Encourage collaboration among family members. The responsibility of caregiving should not rest on one individual alone. Motivate all family members to equally share duties and include the family member with the illness by defining their role within the family. Engage in active listening. Paying close attention is a powerful way to demonstrate support. Focus on their words instead of their emotions, and recognize their pain, anxiety, or confusion. Express your support verbally. Voicing your encouragement can reduce stress. Simple phrases like, “I’m sorry you feel this way, and I want to help,” or “It’s not your fault; it’s an illness that can affect anyone,” can make a significant difference. Return to your usual activities and routines. Don't let your life center around your loved one's disorder. Reintroduce routines and enjoy quality time together doing things not related to their illness, like watching a movie, dining out, or visiting a favorite place. Strive to live life with the mental health condition instead of fighting against it. Seek external support. It’s essential for family members and caregivers to establish their own support systems. Engaging in regular conversations with those who understand your situation can aid in stress management. Consider joining peer-led support groups for individuals living with mental illnesses and their families. Ensure safety is your foremost concern. If there's a risk for violence, prioritize safety above all else. Set clear boundaries concerning physical or verbal abuse. For instance, clearly state that you will leave and alert the authorities if a family member turns physically violent. Planning these steps ahead of time can make them easier to handle. Develop a crisis plan. Have essential phone numbers, like those for local crisis intervention teams, easily accessible. Make sure all family members understand what to do in an emergency. If your loved one needs residential care, the Center for Living and Learning is a private non-profit Residential Treatment Facility for adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses. We offer 24-hour residential care and job training in a therapeutic setting, focusing on maximizing functioning and independent living. Discover more about the Center at . For inquiries, contact Fran Clippard, Executive Director, via email at  or call 615-269-9932. Above all, maintain hope. People with mental health conditions need social support. Remind them that you are there to help and that you will not give up on them. If setbacks arise, explore different approaches and motivate your loved ones to keep going.

  • News From The Garden

    Happy December Friends! We spent the first part of our month in preparations for our annual holiday market, which was a great success. A big thank you to those who were able to make it out and support us. We still have product available online for purchase. Post market, December helps us embrace a slower pace and rest. With winter weather underway we have time to dream and plan what we'd like to do with our garden space next year. On warm days we enjoy getting outside for some fresh air and sunshine. We are slowly pulling up plants that have died back and use them for our brown matter in compost. Another major project we work on through winter is defining our pathways and beds with laying cardboard, compost, and wood chips. This is the time of year we take some time to reflect on how our CSA ran, with feedback from a survey we conduct with our CSA members. We talk about what went well, where we could do better, and if anything was missing. Trainees also share input with what they enjoyed the most, what they would like to grow next season, and any new tasks or skills they would enjoy trying in the new year. Garden plans, design, seed inventory, seed saving, seed ordering, and supply ordering are also underway. We practice crop rotation and companion planting to naturally keep pests and disease at bay. Crop rotation in simple terms, is planting groups of crops in different areas for a number of years and rotating which group goes where. This also assists with soil health and weed management. We have received several seed donations from some of our favorite companies, Eden Brothers , Seed Saver's Exchange , and Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co . which helps us keep down our costs and expand the garden with new varieties of vegetables, herbs, and flowers. These are all wonderful companies that have shown us generous support. Check them out for all of your garden needs. This year we are hoping to create a section in the garden, for trainee use only. This means that anything grown in this area will go directly to trainees to snack on, use for cooking class, used for growing specific food for Chef Connie, as well as feature flowers for trainees to cut and take home for themselves. We also hope to create a roadside stand for excess produce and flowers this year. We see this as an opportunity to connect to our community and spread the word about the Center. With that, we most likely will have more volunteer opportunities for those looking to connect with the Center. If you would like to be part of any of our volunteer teams in 2025 please email to get connected. Thank you for your continued support during 2024 and we look forward to another wonderful year ahead. Wishing you a healthy, happy, and peaceful holiday season!

  • How to Manage Anxiety During the Holiday Season: Tips and Strategies

    While the holiday season is intended to be a joyous and exciting time with loved ones, it can unfortunately turn into a period of anxiety for some individuals. The heightened demands during this season often result in increased stress levels, making elevated anxiety a frequent occurrence. According to the American Psychological Association , 41% of US adults state their stress levels increase during the holidays compared to other times of the year, and 43% said their stress interferes with their ability to enjoy this time.   Everyone feels anxiety at times, but when these feelings become overwhelming and disrupt daily life, it might indicate an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are characterized by persistent, intense fear or worry in situations that aren't actually threatening. Individuals with an anxiety disorder may experience one or more of the following symptoms: Feelings of apprehension or dread Feeling tense or jumpy Restlessness or irritability Anticipating the worst and being watchful for signs of danger Pounding or racing heart and shortness of breath Sweating or tremors Headaches, fatigue, and insomnia Upset stomach What can I do to help with stress and anxiety? Alleviating stress and anxiety during the holidays starts with making good choices and embracing healthy habits. Prioritize personal time.   Although you might feel the urge to fulfill expectations, engaging in self-care is highly beneficial. Stay present and attentive while dedicating moments to yourself. Maintain realistic expectations.  Striving for perfection during the holidays is typical, but embracing resilience and adaptability in the face of unavoidable difficulties can reduce anxiety.   Remember what’s important.  Reflect on what genuinely holds the most significance for you during the holidays. Prioritize your friends and family rather than succumbing to pressures and expectations. Encourage healthy conversations. Let your family know that holiday gatherings should focus on expressing gratitude, appreciation, and thanks, rather than indulging in negative conversations. Seek support.   If your anxiety becomes overwhelming, reach out to friends and family who can help you manage your emotions and understand your feelings. At times, it becomes necessary to seek treatment for an anxiety disorder. The Center for Living and Learning offers a comprehensive program that includes residential treatment for anxiety disorders, complete with personalized progress plans and a resident activities program. We emphasize community reintegration through socialization and self-awareness, and our holistic approach supports mental, physical, and social well-being.

  • This Month in Vocational Lessons

    This month in the Center for Living and Learning's vocational program , trainees are learning about nonviolent communication and the process it establishes to improve understanding and empathy through compassionate dialogue. They are exploring how this process is important in the workplace for enhancing communication and teamwork among colleagues, creating a positive work culture, and increasing productivity. In mental health lessons, trainees are learning and practicing various breathwork exercises which aid in calming the nervous system. When practiced consistently, these exercises build resilience and anxiety tolerance. In cooking class, the trainees are leaning into fall, baking delicious pumpkin bread with cinnamon honey butter . In art class, they are working with pottery to make bowls of different textures. The trainees have been reading some of Roald's Dahl's short stories including The Landlady and The Hitchhiker. Both stories revolve around ordinary characters who find themselves in extraordinary situations. Both stories conclude with shocking twists which led to interesting discussion. The Center's trainees continue to prepare for our fall market, making cooking mixes, spice blends and dog treats this month. Check out the full list of merchandise that will be available here , and plan to shop with us December 6 - 7, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., at 1979 Old Hillsboro Road in Franklin. The Nashville Craft BevCo food truck will also be on site Friday the 6th.

  • How do I safely disclose my mental health condition at work?

    Individuals with a mental health condition are not alone. Almost 20% of adults in the US will face a mental illness at some point in their lives.  Even though society is increasingly accepting of mental health conditions, some workplaces may still carry a stigma. Many people might feel uncomfortable discussing their mental health condition with their supervisor. Still, having this conversation can be helpful, particularly if the condition affects your job performance. Know your rights about mental health and the workplace. Before talking to your supervisor, it is important to understand your employee rights. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) , states that individuals with a mental health condition are protected against discrimination and harassment. To receive protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you need to inform your employer about your mental health condition, but they are required to keep the information confidential. There are a few considerations to bear in mind should you have this conversation.  Your employer is prohibited from discriminating against you due to your mental health condition, which includes termination, job or promotion rejection, or forcing you to take leave. You may keep your condition private, but your employer is allowed to inquire about your mental health in only four scenarios: When you request reasonable accommodation. After a job offer is made but before employment begins, if all candidates for the same positions are asked the same questions. When it is engaging in affirmative action for people with disabilities, in which case you may choose whether to respond. If there is objective evidence at work suggesting you may be unable to perform your job or may pose a safety risk due to your condition. You may be legally entitled to reasonable accommodation to assist you in performing your job, such as a modified schedule, a quiet work environment, specific tasks, etc.  You may ask for reasonable accommodation at any time, and if it aids in your job performance, your employer must provide it unless it causes significant difficulty or expense. Under the ADA, harassment based on your disability is prohibited. If you are harassed, follow your workplace reporting procedures. Once reported, your employer is legally obligated to act to prevent harassment. If you feel that your rights have been violated, The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) can help by investigating if you file a discrimination charge. Your employer cannot legally retaliate against you for contacting the EEOC or filing a charge.   On average, employed US adults spend 8.8 hours a day at work, which exceeds the time typically spent sleeping. With Millennials (35%) and Generation Z (5%) comprising 40% of the U.S. workforce, it is crucial for employers to adjust and create work environment that supports mental health. We can help. The Center for Living and Learning offers 24-hour residential care and a vocational rehabilitation program for individuals requiring mental health treatment. This program equips individuals to work independently within the community. Additionally, the Center's Vocational Program is a certified Community Rehabilitation Provider in collaboration with the Vocational Rehabilitation Program at the Tennessee Department of Human Services.

  • News From The Garden

    Warmer weather continues to be kind to us, extending our growing season, and making it pleasant to be outdoors. We've transplanted starters from the greenhouse into freed up raised beds.  This year our broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels have survived typical pests, thanks to the expertise Horticultural Assistant. We have worked on saving seeds from some of our favorite flowers this year, cosmos, zinnias, and strawflower. Click here to watch a video posted on our Instagram and learn how to do this at home! Indoors trainees have  been focused on getting ready for the Christmas market. We've dried lots of peppers that have been used in salt blends and packaged for purchase to be put into soups or baked goods. We were excited to put together a new item for the Market this year, Onion Soup & Onion Dip Mix using ingredients we grew.  We also bottled new all natural cleaners in two scents, Lavender Lemon Balm and a 4 Thieves Blend that were infused with fresh herbs also from the garden. For the weeks leading up until our Holiday Market, we'll be giving our followers on social media a sneak peek at some of the products that will be available for purchase. Follow along by visiting our Instagram or Facebook! Lastly, as we find ourselves in a season of reflecting on gratitude we'd like to tell you how grateful we are for you.  Our staff is grateful to be able to be a part of the Center and do the work we do, both in Residential and Vocational Programs. We are grateful for the support of the families, friends, financial supporters, and volunteers that make the Center such a special place for people to heal, grow, and thrive. We find this quote by Julie Parker very fitting: "Plant seeds of gratitude. Cultivate a garden of love. Nourish with sprinklings of grace." If you or someone you know are looking for simple ways to support the Vocational Program, we have put together an Amazon wish list  for items we use and/or need in our day to day programming. It can be found here. We appreciate you!

  • Schizophrenia: Symptoms

    Schizophrenia is a multifaceted and enduring mental health condition that impacts cognition, emotions, and behavior.  Although the precise prevalence of schizophrenia remains uncertain, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates a range of prevalence from   0.25% to 0.64%   of US adults. The symptoms of schizophrenia make daily activities difficult but with effective treatment and robust support system, individuals can achieve a life characterized by wellness, fulfillment, and autonomy. What are the symptoms of schizophrenia? The NIMH groups the symptoms of schizophrenia into three main categories: Psychotic symptoms: How a person thinks, acts, and experiences the world, often causing disrupted thoughts and perceptions, and difficulty recognizing what is real and what is not. Psychotic symptoms include: Hallucinations: Hearing voices or seeing or feeling things that are not there. Delusions: Persistent beliefs that are untrue and irrational to others. Thought disorder: Unusual or illogical thoughts and speech. Negative symptoms: Loss of motivation, interest, or enjoyment in activities, withdrawal from social life, difficulty showing emotions, and challenges with daily functions. Negative symptoms include: Difficulty maintaining regular activities Lack of motivation Avoiding social interaction Speaking in a monotone voice with limited facial expression Low energy and excessive time spent on passive activities. In extreme cases, someone might be catatonic where they stop moving or talking . These symptoms are sometimes mistaken for symptoms of depression or other mental illnesses. Cognitive symptoms include: Difficulty processing information to make decisions Struggling to stay focused Difficulty following conversations, retaining information, or remembering appointments or tasks Treatment for schizophrenia The Center for Living and Learning provides 24-hour care, with each resident receiving an individual plan of care that is reviewed monthly to assess goal achievement. Our multi-disciplinary team consistently assesses the efficacy of our residential program , measuring success on an individual basis using a goal-oriented token economy point system. Regular evaluations and recommendations are provided by the Center's medical director and a licensed clinical counselor. ​Our resident activities program is designed to facilitate community reintegration through socialization and self-awareness. We also provide ongoing support to program graduates who have transitioned to independent living successfully.

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