Happy February! The warmer temps have allowed us to enjoy the outdoors and work in the greenhouse more consistently. Residents are learning a new sowing technique called "Winter Sowing" this month to start some of our spring seeds. We recycle gallon sized water or milk jugs by removing the caps, drilling holes in the bottoms for drainage, cutting around the middle of the jugs leaving just a hinge, and adding a high quality potting soil to the bottom half of the jug. Next we add water to dampen the soil and plant seeds into the soil. We then seal the jugs with duct tape, write the start date and type of seed on the outside of the jug and it sits outside until planting time in the Spring. Essentially, the jug makes a small greenhouse and removing the cap allows rain to water the seeds while it sits outside. When it's time to plant, we open the jugs, dig out the seedling and it can be directly planted. Check our social media later this month to see a demonstration. Another lesson topic the trainees are learning about is plant propagation. This simple method allows for cost savings and the duplication of favorite plants with minimal effort. This month we are working on propagating lavender, rosemary, thyme, and blackberries to add more of these favorites around our garden space.
This year we also invited many guest speakers come teach us about specific topics related to the garden and CSA. We will be learning about how to make our own kombucha, how to grow micro greens, how to grow mushrooms, learning about beekeeping and pollinators, hearing from Meals 4 Health and Healing, The Giving Garden, Nashville Food Project, Society of Saint Andrew, TN Local Food, and The Flower Kitchen. Click on the links to learn more!
CSA sign ups are starting to fill up for our 2025 growing season! Our goal this year is to have at least 10 members join us. Each week members of our CSA drop by the Center to pick up either a half or full share of everything we grow. We make sure to pack our shares full of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers as available. We also include recipes that use the ingredients in your box each week so you have some inspiration and guidance on what to do with your box. Not only is this one of the best ways to support our residents, but it's a cost effective way to eat organically and locally grown food that you have 100% assurance on knowing how and where it was grown. If you cannot join us this year but know someone who might be interested please help us spread the word. For more information or to sign up, please click here.
As Spring approaches we will have lots of opportunities for volunteering. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities you can sign up here or if you would like more information please email Libby@centerforlivingandlearning.com
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The Center for Living and Learning is a private non-profit Residential Treatment Facility housing adults who experience severe and persistent mental illnesses. We provide 24-hour residential care and job training in a therapeutic environment with emphasis on the highest level of functioning and independent living. Learn more here.